It’s always interesting to consider what qualities make someone an ideal partner. Just as there are doctors, lawyers, and engineers out there, there are also full-time traders who can bring some great qualities to the table. In this article, we’ll explore seven reasons why dating a trader might be just what you need in your life.
7 Reasons For You To Date A Trader
By trader, I’m referring to those full-time financial traders who manage their own money, not the traders at financial institutions.
Let’s take a look at this other breed of trader and how dating him could be what you’ve been missing in your life.
1. He Take Care Of Things
To be able to make enough for monthly expenses and such, his trading capital will be of a decent size. He also buys and sells large amounts of value each day with a single mouse click. He needs to make decisions which tend to have large and very immediate consequences. All these decisions he makes are firstly to protect his trading capital and then to grow it. So he is trained to take care of you too.
Since traders need a decent amount of capital for trading, you can be assured that his finances are sound. He’s also used to making decisions with immediate consequences, which means he’s trained to handle money responsibly. Being with someone who’s financially savvy can help alleviate some of the stresses of life, especially financial ones.
2. He Can Live With His Decisions
If he’s right, he’s right, if he’s wrong, he’s wrong, no matter what, he moves on to look for the next opportunity. This forward thinking attitude will serve you well in building a life with him. He can recover from failures or setbacks. This mentality means he won’t dwell on setbacks in the relationship and will look to the future instead. This kind of optimism can be a big plus for any couple.
3. He Is Patient
He only enters the market when there’s an opportunity. Different trading styles identify with different types of opportunity. So he doesn’t just take any opportunity that comes along, he only takes the opportunities which he’s comfortable with. So he would spend hours keeping an eye on the markets, patiently waiting for the opportunity. If he misses it, no big deal, he waits for the next one, because he knows opportunities will come again. Similarly, he will be patient with you, probably wouldn’t rush you while waiting for you to get ready for that movie starting in 10 minutes across town. You can catch the next movie, or take the opportunity to do something spontaneous.
4. He Has A Higher Degree Of Time Freedom
Trading from home is like running your own business. and a lot of time is spent waiting for opportunities, so u can set alerts and do other things around the house like taking care of the kids and he also will have more time to spend with you than the average 9-5er. Plus, being able to work from home means he can be with the kids during the day and handle house work, which can be much appreciated by the busy partner.
5. He Can See And Recognize Opportunity
Traders are always on the lookout for a good deal, and exercise great self-control when it comes to spending money. You can trust that he won’t blow all his money on frivolous things and will be a great negotiator when it comes to buying a future home or car.
6. He Admits He’s Wrong, Then Works It Out With You Later
Just as admitting to a losing trade is essential to a trader’s success, admitting when he’s made a mistake to you comes easily. This means you won’t have to wait long for an apology if there’s ever a need for one. And, if you two do come to blows, you can trust that he’ll work with you to find a solution because he’s had plenty of practice working through tough spots.
7. He Has A Plan
That’s right ladies. Trading requires a lot of planning, so that if unexpected things happen, he doesn’t get stuck trying to figure out what to do. He doesn’t turn into a deer in headlights. He looks at the trading plan and rules.
Similarly, he has a plan for your relationship, it won’t be a cruise to nowhere.
In conclusion, traders possess many essential qualities that make them a good catch, including financial stability, resilience, patience, time flexibility, smart spending, the ability to make amends, and planning prowess. These qualities can translate well into a successful romantic relationship.